Maori TuhiTuhi
I haere matou ki te Whangamata I tera tau.
I te toru tekau ma tahi o Hakihea, ko te tekau ma rua karaka te taima.
I haere matou ki te awa kaukau ai na te mea ko te pai ke ti katao. (we went for a swim at the river because the water was nice)
I a matou i te moana i tupou au ki roto i te wai. (jumped into water)
Ko te tahi karaka te taima i taua wa, No reira I oma matou ki te whare. (one oclock so we went home)
I te ata ko te tikanga horoi ake, kaore matou i pirangi i te horoi, I haere matou ki ti papa takaro ke. (in the morning w had to wash but we didnt want to so went went to the fields instead).
I pia ki matou te papa takaro engari kihai i taro, i haere matou. (when we were at the fields it started to rain so we left).
Na te mea ka haere matou ki te kura i tera wiki, ka haere matou ki te whare pukapuka. (because i have school next week i will go to the library).
Ka tera mutunga wiki I haere whanau ki ahitereira, heoi ano kaore au ka haere e noho ana ahau ki te whare. (next week my family will go to Australia however I couldn't go so i will stay home).